Word of the Day
And, if you can use them during the day, say, like in your staff meeting or with the check out clerk at the grocery store, then you get to pick tomorrow's word of the day!
curiosity killed the cat... satisfaction brought her back
Flash backs of childhood - being tagged when I didn't even know the game had started! Then frantically trying to figure out the rules. OK. So, now that J has tagged me I guess I'm supposed to answer these four questions and then tag five more bloggers. I must say I'm a bit shy about tagging folks when they haven't even volunteered for the game. But then again, I guess all the kids are doing it so I might as well play along.
So, here for your reading pleasure, are my answers:
1. Total number of books I've owned? I have absolutely no idea. Hundreds. Probably thousands. Generally once I've read a book I pass it on or simply leave it somewhere for someone else to pick up and enjoy. Besides, I tend to move frequently and boxes of books are a pain in the ass to move.
2. What is the last book I bought? I prefer to get my books from the library (see above). But recently I was boarding a cross country flight when I realized I packed my reading material in my checked bag. DOH! So I shelled out the big bucks for a paperback edition of Best American Erotica of 2005 edited by Susie Bright. Go figure, right there facing forward on the shelves at JFK! I expected to be bored by it as I often find erotica dull and tiresome. But what I read of this was pretty good. But I seem to have misplaced the book so I don't know how it held up in the end. Some lucky flight attendant could probably answer better than I.
3. Last book I read? Well, I suppose the above one, although does it count if I didn't finish it?
4. 5 books that mean something to me? Gosh, I hate these questions where you have to narrow it down. I have a friend who always asks silly questions like "If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only have one book what would it be?" Those questions always make my lungs freeze and my palms sweat.
Let's see, I often think of Thich Nhat Hanh's Being Peace. That one has a lot of good common sense suggestions for living.
I enjoyed Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. That was a well crafted book and a darn good story. And I thought the main character was someone I would like in real life.
I like that book Cunt by Inga Muscio. It's all grrrl power. Silly. Smart. Original. Charming book design and an easy read.
An older one would be Beloved by Toni Morrison. Timeless.
And Dandylion Wine by Ray Bradbury. Primarily because it was my mother's favorite book. The meaning it holds for me goes beyond the book itself.
5. Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals.
Hmmm. Seems all the sex blog bloggers have been tagged. Let's see, maybe I'll just try tagging five random people. That could be interesting. Good use of that "Next Blog" button. Here goes:
OK. Call me a sissy, but the first "Next Blog" I was sent to was a teenage Christian choir girl. I didn't have the heart to tempt her. You know she would have to read my blog and then surely I would go straight to hell!
So, the next one was in Chinese and the third was a dad posting pictures of his toddlers. So let's skip that idea.
Here, I offer you five untagged sex fiends:
Him and Her (Two in one, is this cheating? If you read my post of May 18th then you know I'm all about the twofers!)
#10 Just tie me up good and tight, with lots and lots and lots of soft and supple rope. Like I’m in a rope cocoon. Then hold me. And squeeze me. And touch and tease and lick and kiss and pinch the bits that are sticking out or exposed.
#9 I can’t really figure out the logistic of this one but somehow you tie my knees to something that spreads them apart and up… maybe prop them over the arms of a big strong wooden desk chair or something like that. Yeah, the kind with the soft red leather padding and the little round brass tacks. You know, like a fancy executive would sit in. My arms can be tied behind me as long as I’m not resting on them. You should probably gag me too, just to be on the safe side. And I’m thinking this chair would have wheels, which will make things more interesting. I wouldn't mind if you wore a suit and tie and really fancy dress shoes.
#8 Tie me to a beautiful big hard wood beam in the middle of an old barn. I want to smell hay and hear the goats bleat. I want warm rays of sun sneaking through the cracks and warming my bare ass. Suspend me, swing me, fuck me.
#7 Tie me however you want, as long as I’m completely immobilized. Blindfold me and do whatever is necessary to mute all my senses. Then make me want you. Then make me need you. Then give yourself to me.
#6 We wake up in the morning and you touch me and caress me until I have to have you inside me. Then you take a smallish softish rope, maybe a laundry line softened by the rain and sun, and you wind it across my shoulders, over my breasts, around my pussy, back up my ass, until it meets at my shoulders again. You tie it so that it’s comfortable, but tight enough so that with each step the rope tugs against my clit. Then you tell me to get dressed. We’re going out to breakfast. During breakfast you place your hand on the small of my back and gently pull the rope taught to remind me of how much I ache for you.
#5 We’re some place warm and tropical. I’m laying in a big wide hammock. You pull the sides up around me and rock me in sexy wavy motions. You lace your fingers through the mesh and stick ‘em in my mouth, in my pussy, in my cunt, all the while rocking me too and fro to the sound of the waves cresting nearby.
#4 We meet at some hotel in a big city neither one of us lives in. You take me to dinner in the hotel restarant… a nice one. You tell me how beautiful I look at dinner, how you like my dress, my stockings, my hair. You talk sweet and romantic and smooth to me until we get inside the hotel room… then you grab my hair at the base of my skull and force me down onto the bed. You take off my panty hose, cut them down the middle and tie my legs together with one half and my hands together with the other. The rest is up to you... but in the morning you order room service.
#3 Tie me up with something that ultimately locks with a key. Put the key where I can see it, but can’t get to it.
#2 Tie me spread eagle, arms likewise, and then lick me from ass to clit and drive me wild like you do. Then make me suck your cock. I won't be able to use my hands or move my neck much so you will need to rock your groin into my face and onto my tongue in whatever manner pleases you.
#1 Take me to a fancy hotel with a four poster bed and linen sheets. Have flowers waiting for me on the dresser and a card on the pillow. As I reach for the envelope push me face down into the fluffy comforter. Tell me “don’t you dare move a pretty little muscle.” Slowly tie my ankles and then my hands to the edge of the bed frame. Read me the card.
5) I couldn’t help noticing that your blog was started shortly after you started the Atkins diet. Now, myself I have lost about 100 pounds in the past 5 or so years and let’s just say that my entire relationship to my body, to sex, and to the whole world is radically different now then what it was 100 pounds ago.
If you had to describe to someone who had never been “fat” (a relative term if ever there was one) how your relationship to your own body and your sexuality has changed since your body’s transformation how would you put it into words? Any additional comments as to the transformation, if any, of those around you and their response to you?