Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Five Untagged Sex Fiends... and One Curious Pussy

Flash backs of childhood - being tagged when I didn't even know the game had started! Then frantically trying to figure out the rules. OK. So, now that J has tagged me I guess I'm supposed to answer these four questions and then tag five more bloggers. I must say I'm a bit shy about tagging folks when they haven't even volunteered for the game. But then again, I guess all the kids are doing it so I might as well play along.

So, here for your reading pleasure, are my answers:

1. Total number of books I've owned? I have absolutely no idea. Hundreds. Probably thousands. Generally once I've read a book I pass it on or simply leave it somewhere for someone else to pick up and enjoy. Besides, I tend to move frequently and boxes of books are a pain in the ass to move.

2. What is the last book I bought? I prefer to get my books from the library (see above). But recently I was boarding a cross country flight when I realized I packed my reading material in my checked bag. DOH! So I shelled out the big bucks for a paperback edition of Best American Erotica of 2005 edited by Susie Bright. Go figure, right there facing forward on the shelves at JFK! I expected to be bored by it as I often find erotica dull and tiresome. But what I read of this was pretty good. But I seem to have misplaced the book so I don't know how it held up in the end. Some lucky flight attendant could probably answer better than I.

3. Last book I read? Well, I suppose the above one, although does it count if I didn't finish it?

4. 5 books that mean something to me? Gosh, I hate these questions where you have to narrow it down. I have a friend who always asks silly questions like "If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only have one book what would it be?" Those questions always make my lungs freeze and my palms sweat.

Let's see, I often think of Thich Nhat Hanh's Being Peace. That one has a lot of good common sense suggestions for living.

I enjoyed Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. That was a well crafted book and a darn good story. And I thought the main character was someone I would like in real life.

I like that book Cunt by Inga Muscio. It's all grrrl power. Silly. Smart. Original. Charming book design and an easy read.

An older one would be Beloved by Toni Morrison. Timeless.

And Dandylion Wine by Ray Bradbury. Primarily because it was my mother's favorite book. The meaning it holds for me goes beyond the book itself.

5. Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals.

Hmmm. Seems all the sex blog bloggers have been tagged. Let's see, maybe I'll just try tagging five random people. That could be interesting. Good use of that "Next Blog" button. Here goes:

OK. Call me a sissy, but the first "Next Blog" I was sent to was a teenage Christian choir girl. I didn't have the heart to tempt her. You know she would have to read my blog and then surely I would go straight to hell!

So, the next one was in Chinese and the third was a dad posting pictures of his toddlers. So let's skip that idea.

Here, I offer you five untagged sex fiends:




Him and Her (Two in one, is this cheating? If you read my post of May 18th then you know I'm all about the twofers!)


Blogger W. S. Cross said...

Did a two-fer on my site when tagged by Red Sneaker Diaries. Come on over and check out the curious young lady who's the protagonist of Beyond You & Me.

May 26, 2005 11:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where are you!?

May 28, 2005 6:07 AM  

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