Monday, May 30, 2005

Word Whore

What the fuck is wrong with Blogger's formatting and spacing? It is seriously sadistic and is harshing my buzz! If you can help me straighten this mess out I will write a list for you. You name the theme. How's that for bartering?
Top 50 TTTMO
(things that turn me on)
1. A firm ass in sweat pants.
Go figure! And it really is on the top of my list.
2. Attentiveness.
As in "I see by the way your ass is quivering I'll have to spank you harder."
3. Being read aloud to in bed.
Smut. Poetry. Reader's Digest. You name it. I'm just a whore for words.
4. Spontaneity.
As in pull me by the wrist into the family restroom during intermission at the theater. You figure out the rest.
5. Chubby girls in tight clothes who know they're hot.
6. Silliness.
Make me call you Lord Master of the Supercilious Sirens of Suburbia. Macrame my bondage gear. Sing showtunes while you whip me. Lavish butterfly kisses on my nipples after you remove the electrical tape and clothespins.
7. Lavishing attention on freshly washed feet. Mine and yours.
8. Truthfulness, especially when it's risky.
For example, "I wanted you so bad today I humped the refrigerator." Yes, I did do and confess that one recently. Stuttering "Christ I want to fuck you" on the first date. Or spitting out "I think I love you" on the third.
9. The backs and insides of body parts.
The backs of your knees, inside of your wrists, instep of your foot, the crease where your thigh meets your crotch. You get the idea.
10. When someone you like smiles at you for no reason.
11. Tribidism.
12. Generosity of self.
This may be my number two number one. If you giveme your heart without reserve, your fears, your trust, your lust... I am yours to do with as you please.
13. Tenderness, especially when following roughness.
Think burlap followed by silk. Think a smack followed by a caress. Think a shove followed by an embrace.
14. The smell of the desert after it rains.
15. The quiet rockers in good bands (often the drummers and the bassists).
16. Sleeping naked under the stars... in one sleeping bag.
17. Unconditional compassion, for all sentient beings.
18. Ardent approval.
A la "Good girl!" Or "Yeah. Just like that baby..."
19. Having my face pressed between your palms while you kiss me.
20. Having my wrists pinned down by someone stronger then me.
21. Having my body physically manipulated - pushed, rolled, pulled, bent - by my partner for his/her pleasure, and mine.
22. Dancing with you in the shower to funky baselines.
23. Taught, straining muscles.
24. Bruises that hide under your clothes like secrets.
25. Silent sex.
26. Noisy sex.
27. Saying no, no, no and meaning yes - not to be confused with saying no and meaning no.
28. Sissies.
Men who cry. Men who wear pink. Men who flinch at violence.
29. Curiosity and inquisitiveness.
Especially with my body.
30. Patience and diligence.
Especially with my body.
31. Fingers gripping my hair, tightly, at the base of my skull.
32. Construction workers in orange vests and hard hats who smile as you drive by.
33. Asking uncomfortable questions, and answering same.
34. My lover asking for what s/he wants... with a slight edge of desperation in his/her voice.
35. The smell, and taste, of someone who has worked hard with their body all day in the sun.
36. Being held tightly with the sound of rain singing me to sleep.
37. Fucking in complete darkness, when sight is obliterated and all other senses are utterly alive.
38. Fucking in broad day light, when nothing can be hidden.
39. Long, slow fucks.
40. Fast, hard fucks.
41. Sexy ugly, like Mick Jagger and Sandra Bernhardt.
42. Softness, like smooth cotton sheets or silky underwear or whispery kisses.
Especially when contrasted by something hard and stingy and bitey.
43. Things that make my skin turn hot and pink.
See number 42.
44. Waking up next to a man with a hard cock.
Or a girl with a hard cock.
45. Anticipation.
46. The thin line between pain and pleasure.
47. Sucking and being sucked on.
Ears. Lips. Nipples. Fingers. Toes. It's all good.
48. My lover's moist breath against my skin... my neck, my ears, my cunt.
49. Vulnerability.
50. Did I say men in sweatpants?

(things that turn me on even when I should know better)

1. Uncommunicative types.
Quiet, sulky, brooding, and awkward... and god forbid they tell you what they want in bed!
2. Unavailable flirts.
People who flirt with you but really are unavailable or unable to have any follow through.
3. Emotionally volatile and impulsive types.
Hence all my wacko friends and exes who I absolutely adore and who continually drive me completely nuts.
4. Narcotics.
5. Woundedness.


Blogger figleaf said...

Wonderful list. It doesn't just tell something about you, it's full of good ideas anyone could enjoy. I like the contrasty ones. (Burlap then silk -- nice one.)

May 30, 2005 11:04 PM  
Blogger figleaf said...

Oh yeah, I was pretty sure what tribadism was but I looked it up anyway (I get it confused with frottage.) I always heard it used in lesbian contexts (anybody can do frottage) but according to Wikipedia, anyway, it comes from the Greek words for "to rub" and "condition or -ism".

Frottage can feel as lovely as intercourse when you're both slippery wet. Feeling her clitoris pressing along my shaft is very erotic and sometimes orgasmic. As, of course, it can be for her.

When I walked into what became my only threesome my two soon-to-be partners were engaging in tribadism. (Which sounds way more formal, and a lot less fun, than what they were doing.)

Anyway, great word, CP. I'd make it my word of the day but it's late. I'll try to remember to make it my word of the day tomorrow instead. :-)

May 30, 2005 11:16 PM  
Blogger Curious Pussy said...

Thanks Figleaf. I agree tribidism is sexier to do than to say. Much.

Frottage... that one always makes me laugh! It sounds like a craft project a la decoupage.

And word of the day. I love it! I just put Webster's Online Dictionary on my tool bar and it has that feature. Maybe I'll try to kinkify the Webster's word of the day.

Fuck On!


May 30, 2005 11:23 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

CP - there's nothing wrong with your page. Maybe you've just got your font turned up high, and that throws off the formatting. Try going into your browser settings of View and then Font Size or Text size and changing it back to "Normal"

Good luck :)

May 31, 2005 6:22 AM  
Blogger Curious Pussy said...

Thanks Lady Calliah. I tried that but still some of the numbers are all smooshed together while others are spaced far part. I don't understand why they aren't all even. And the OCD me is very unhinged by the whole thing!

May 31, 2005 9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading in bed aloud.. I always have. I think she likes it as well, when we read naughty things together.. cool list, great site

June 01, 2005 7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

38. Fucking in broad day light, when nothing can be hidden.

39. Long, slow fucks.

40. Fast, hard fucks.

yes!.. all of the above!

June 01, 2005 1:33 PM  

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