Sunday, July 24, 2005

I Do Also Still Butterflies

I found a short note in my in box this morning (doesn't that sound so sexy?) "congratulating" me on my great blog and inviting me to exchange links. When I clicked on the link I found a blog called Dark Obsession... in German. Which I don't read. Then I noticed a little clickable bullet where you could select English. So I did. What then appeared were these wonderfully odd little stories that are poetic and lovely and creepy and sexy all together. There are untranslatable German words scattered throughout that make the whole thing darkly mysterious and humorous at the same time. I Blog Rolled it even though I have no idea what it means. I just liked the sound of the words.

"there are moments on which I is pleased moments probably in everyone lives particularly is, not only in mine. I be pleased drauf to say to you sometime perhaps times that I am more schwanger I now already gladly would know, how you then kuckst. and whether you are then pleased. God - actually the straight is unbelievably a little embarrassingly also however probably knows you eh that I am a small kitschmaus I hope times, you find not further badly. and me each day auf's new fall in love -, whom I do also still butterflies still completely large cinema believe not yet completely can, which is actual you with me which you me to have wanted me small, pinpointed, I. madly, greatly, you. I love it you to look at. believe to :)"

Isn't that beautiful?


Blogger Dawn said...

lol I got the same exact email. Hmmm, german spammage! LOL

July 25, 2005 6:20 PM  
Blogger blonde_bound said...

well - beautiful german spammage then ;)
thanks for your post - really found it very nice :)

July 26, 2005 12:49 PM  

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