Saturday, December 17, 2005

Saturday Night

Well, it is Saturday night and I have managed to end up back at home feeling kinda mopey. But actually somewhat appreciating that at the moment.

After a series of unfortunate events I ended up being an hour late to the art opening tonight. I had no way to reach this guy I was meeting to let him know I would be delayed so I was somewhat surprised to find him still there when I got there. He, of course, thought I was just another internet no show, which of course made me feel awful. Apparently he had consoled himself by partaking of the free wine because he was quite drunk. We munched on cheese and crackers for a bit and then I politely said I was ready to go. Standing in front of his car he invited me over to his place for more wine and I declined without a moments hesitation. It was nice to be asked even though I hadn't the slightest desire to accept his offer. Don't get me wrong, he seemed a nice enough guy, and he looked like a cross between David Bowie and Lyle Lovett, which was not entirely unappealing. But between being drunk and being a punner I had absolutely no desire to torture myself any longer.

So, here I sit, home alone on a Saturday night, somewhat mopey that I can't seem to find a sweetie to be with, and equally pleased to be home by myself instead of out with the wrong person.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding disturbingly philosophical, I'm much happier being in my own company than in the company of the wrong person.

Surely that's a good thing?

December 18, 2005 4:38 PM  
Blogger Curious Pussy said...

Oh yes, I would certainly agree. But I am my happiest when in the company of the right person. My favorite is to be in the company of the right person but not necessarily engaging with them. Like reading in bed with a lover asleep next to me. Or cooking in the kitchen with a few of my friends mingling on the porch. I think I'm just a communal animal who is happiest in a pack (even if it is just a pack of two).

They say that people who are partnered live longer. Even people who have pets live longer. I think that speaks to the same biological urge I have to buddy up.

December 18, 2005 5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we're all happiest in the company of the right person, Curious. :)

Personally, with a lover asleep beside me.. reading or otherwise..

December 18, 2005 6:05 PM  

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