TwiddlyBits Where are You?
Does anyone know where TwiddlyBits and DanglyBits went? Did I miss something in the blogosphere? It seems their link expired and I miss them terribly.
curiosity killed the cat... satisfaction brought her back
I'm going to try this again--I've had a couple of comments returned to me by email, saying I wasn't allowed to comment here. If you get this, I don't know how you did, and don't know if there's a way for you to get around that. Probably why you're not getting alot of comments...?
Yeah, I've even gotten that note when I try to comment on my own damn blog. I tell ya, Blogger is quite the pain in the you know what.
Thanks osbasso for stickin' with it to give me a holler!
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Well that's dorky.. (the above). That was me, c.p., that deleted the post above. I was commenting that wherever you found the bits pair, you might find Mike and Michelle from Sweetness Follows, because their website's been down too.. but I no sooner posted the comment, and they're back. LOL
I understand TwiddlyBits and DanglyBits have just returned from a long trip, and their domain registration expired while they were away. Hopefully, we'll see them again, very soon.
That's reassuring. I finally made my way back to the Twiddly's blog (avoiding the imposter blog that highjacked their domain) and was pleased to see a "gone fishing" post as opposed to a "throwin' in the towel" post.
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