Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Spankings I Dream About

I have the stories in my head and I want to tell them to you just so. But then the little things of work and life interfere with my ability to sit down at the computer. I don't want to jump ahead too much, just yet, but my goal (just so ya know) is to eventually get you up to speed with my present day. But for now, I have to bite my tongue.

However, since I don't have the time to tell you what happened next with Prince, I will just take a tiny sort of station identification break.

I've been checking out the blogs of you all who have commented on mine, as well as your all's links. And I gotta say I'm inspired and humbled. There are some mighty fine writers out there. And, there is some really hot, kinky, sweet fucking going on. I feel like I have so much to learn on both accounts. I better get busy!

I've been enjoying reading people's lists. Cuz I LOVE lists. So I thought I would share my most recent one with you. I kept it short despite my tendency to enumerate ad infinitum. It was inspired by Kasey's sex and spanking list on her blog "I'll Beg." Well, that and my papi told me to do it. And I always aim to please my papi.

Spankings I Dream About

10. I want you to swat my ass quite hard, over my jeans, as I stand in the produce isle at the grocery store.

9. I want you to leverage my legs up over my head and hold them there with the weight of your body leaning into mine. Then use your free hand to smack my ass just high enough so you are smacking my cunt as well.

8. I want you to sneak up behind me in the kitchen, pull your belt off your pants and begin to spank me before I've even noticed you've walked into the room.

7. I want you to spank me while you watch a cheesy television show, half paying attention to my ass and half watching some mindless crap.

6. I want you to spank me with something soft… but you spank me so hard with this soft thing it hurts like a mother fucker.

5. You make me lay face down and you spank me with an object I can't identify.

4. I want to go on a picnic in the spring with you. And be spanked with a fresh green willow switch that you make me pick for that purpose.

3. I want to be spanked with a ruler. A new one, cheap and plastic and candy colored.

2. I want to be spanked with a ruler. An old one, made out of wood stained by dirty kid fingers and smelling like first grade.

1. Me laying on your lap, panties down around my knees, stretched taut between my feeble kicks. You're spanking me with your hand very, very slowly, quite forcefully and ever so lovingly. We're both smiling.


Blogger kasey said...

Fun list, #3 made me laugh and #4 is pretty close to a fantasy I have as well.

Gret blog, I just discovered it now. Your writing is incredbile.

April 27, 2005 7:54 AM  
Blogger kasey said...

Wow, I can't spell -- excuse the typos in the previous comment please!

April 27, 2005 7:54 AM  
Blogger Curious Pussy said...

Thanks Kasey for the kind words. I wish I could describe these things more like I experience them. Sometimes words just don't seem enough to describe the joy and beauty, you know?

Interesting you share #4 with me. This is actually the only fantasy I have that I've identified as coming from unresolved childhood issues. You see, I was sort of a step child in my own family... long story... but I remember my father would send the other kids out to get switches for him to beat them with when they had failed to meet his expectations. I thought it was cruel. But I also knew that the fact he never once sent me out for one meant that I wasn't a part of the family. And you bet my siblings never failed to notice my being an exception to the rule as well.

It is an interesting dynamic, isn't it? This desire to redress old wrongs by reenacting them with our own desired endings in mind.


April 28, 2005 8:38 AM  
Blogger kasey said...

Pussy -- Well, really it is the spring picnic part that I like -- the switch, never tried it so not sure how that would go. But, I even have the place choosen for the picnic. Kasey

April 30, 2005 7:10 PM  

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